Activity reports Labour Related Development

Bangladesh ITUC-BC/JILAF Industrial Relations Seminar

event date: May 10, 2023 May 11, 2023
Group photo of labor-management relations seminar participants

 Between May 10-11, the Japan International Labour Foundation (JILAF), together with the Bangladesh Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-BC), held a seminar on industrial relations in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The seminar was attended by 45 people, including the leaders of trade unions nationwide.

The seminar had lectures and group discussions on a wide range of topics under the theme of labor relations and social security, including a study of industrial relations in Bangladesh, gender equality, the right of workers to organize, and the social security system.


 The session on the current status of labor-management relations in Bangladesh focused on the need to comply with collective bargaining agreements, the growing social participation of women, and the raising of CSR awareness among managers. Opinions were expressed that these issues should all be addressed.

 At the gender equality and youth employment session, opinions were raised about the importance of educating young people in order to improve discrimination against women, child labor, and early marriage. Others also expressed opinions on current issues in labor law and explained that the ILO promotes the protection of workers’ rights and the right to organize.

 Afterwards, the Director-General from the Dhaka Labor Department, Ministry of Labor of Bangladesh, explained the social security initiatives of the Ministry of Labor and introduced the workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation system, mainly for export industries such as textiles.


 On the second day of the seminar, ITUC-BC explained the concept of “decent work” and emphasized that solid labor-management negotiations lead to good labor-management relations. JILAF Executive Director Saito talked about the history of Japan’s labor movement and the role played by his organization.

 During group work, opinions were expressed that building constructive labor-management relations requires the improvement of labor laws, thoroughly enforcing the minimum wage system, the expansion of vocational training, concluding and compliance with collective agreements, and the expansion of the application of labor laws to informal sector workers.

 At the closing ceremony, JILAF Chairman Aihara stated, “Labor-management relations are like a mirror. Labor and management must make efforts to improve each other.” ITUC-BC Secretary General Repon and other related parties then concluded the seminar by stating that they will continue to work on building constructive labor-management relations.

Photos of the Participants

  • Explanation of social security initiatives by the Director of Dhaka Labor Department
  • Group work presentations