Activity reports E-mail magazine

Results of the National Tax Agency’s Survey on Private-Sector Wages in 2022


According to the results of a survey of private-sector wages released by the National Tax Agency in September, the number of private-sector wage earners employed throughout the whole of 2022 was 59.67 million, down 1.5% from the previous year.
The number of employees who worked throughout the year was 50.78 million, down 1.2% from the previous year. By gender, there were 29.27 million men, down 1.9%, and 21.51 million women, down 0.15%. The total number of regular wage earners was 33.91 million, down 3.4% from the previous year. The total number of non-regular wage earners was 12.44 million, down 1.8%.

The average annual wage for employees who worked throughout the year was 4.58 million yen, 2.7% up over the previous year, which marks the second consecutive year of growth. When broken down by gender, the average wage for men was 5.63 million yen, up 2.5%, and for women, 3.14 million yen, up 3.9%.

By regular and non-regular status, the average annual wage was 5.23 million yen for regular workers (full-time workers), up 1.5% over the previous year, and 2.01 million yen for non-regular workers, up 2.8%.

The breakdown of average annual wages consisted of an average salary and various allowances, which were 3.86 million yen, up 2.4% over the previous year, and the average bonus was 720,000 yen, up 4.2% over the previous year. When looking at this data by gender, the average salary and allowances for men were 4.72 million yen, up 2.3%, and for women, 2.7 million yen, up 3.4%. The average bonus for men was 920,000 yen, up 3.5%, and for women, 440,000 yen, up 7.6%.

Average annual wages and average bonus by industry


Industry classification

Average annual wages  Average bonus
(thousand yen) Percent change from the previous year


(thousand yen) Percent change from the previous year (%)
Construction 5,291 1.7 782 4.1
Manufacturing 5,327 1.4 1,061 7.6
Wholesale trade, retail trade 3,840 2.7 527 3.3
Accommodation, food services 2,682 5.5 174 12.3
Finance, insurance 6,557 ▲3.7 1,556 ▲4.1
Real estate, goods rental and leasing 4,569 7.1 538 12.8
Transportation, postal services 4,771 11.3 488 ▲3.2
Electricity, gas, heat supply, and water supply 7,472 ▲5.2 1,470 ▲3.7
Information and communication 6,324 2.1 1,218 1.2
Academic research, professional and technical services education, learning support 5,441 3.6 1,016 8.0
Medical, welfare 4,085 1.3 558 3.7
Mixed services 5,062 ▲5.3 1,096 ▲4.0
Service industry 3,765 2.5 443 2.1
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and mining 3,366 9.1 379 8.9
Industry average 4,576 2.7 716 4.2

Source: Compiled from “Results of Survey on Private-Sector Wages,” National Tax Agency.