Activity reports Labour Related Development

Developed Country Team

event date: November 7, 2022 November 11, 2022
Visit to an industrial trade union organization (Zensuido)

The Developed Country Team visited Japan from November 7 to November 11.

The team, consisting of three people (including one woman) from Sweden and Germany, participated in and completed all of the programs prepared.

Although the participants had varying years of experience in their organizations, they were all highly aware of the issues concerning labor and showed a willingness to actively participate in each program. In the second international symposium on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Employment and Labor and its Handling”, which was held in conjunction with the team’s stay in Japan, the participants took part as panelists and reporters of their respective countries.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, each program was held at the hotel where the team was staying. However, for the visit to an industrial trade union organization, the team visited the All-Japan Water Supply Workers’ Union (Zensuido) and actively exchanged opinions on matters such as the right to organize and the right to strike for Japan’s public service workers.

The participants made the following comments about the programs.
(1) Although the situation is different in each country, we all aim for the same goal of taking action for workers, and recognized the importance of sharing information through international connections. (Sweden)
(2) During the visit to an industrial trade union organization, we exchanged opinions with Zensuido, and I was particularly very interested in the topic of the right to strike for Japanese public servants. (Sweden)
(3) The number of people working in diverse styles of employment is expected to rise in the future, and I would like to share information about it as an issue that is common across various countries. (Germany)

List of Cooperating Organizations

Japanese Business Federation (Keidanren) Japan Productivity Center Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO)
All-Japan Water Supply Workers’ Union (Zensuido)

Many thanks to everyone.

Photos of the Participants

  • Participants receiving an explanation at the Tokyo Waterworks Historical Museum
  • Opinion exchange session with Zensuido
  • Opinion exchange session with Keidanren